Unfortunately, more businesses are contacting us after experiencing a cyber-attack. With most accountancy and financial firms plus legal service providers are specifically being targeted by international hackers who are holding their data ransom.
The hackers are using the WannaCry and Petya ransomware software as recently featured in national news reports.
That’s according to Darren Billinghurst owner of local IT support services company Konnetix.
Mr Billinghurst said: “People have heard about this ransomware when it has affected organisations like the NHS. However, these attacks are more common across SME’s in the business world and Konnetix certainly has seen a rise in the number of new enquiries from local Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire business owners and operational staff reporting concern.
With a significant 67% increase of new enquiries other the past three months, Mr Billinghurst believes local businesses gladly call the UK Helpdesk that is manned 24/7, 365 days a year.
“With a majority of our business built on reputation and word of mouth, the recent cybercrime attacks have businesses concerned and rightly so. The hackers are becoming increasingly ruthless, not caring who is affected. Konnetix are I.T experts who provide outsourced managed solutions, the team will ensure preventative measures are in place to protect and business, as well as a disaster recovery system and backup. Our I.T Services and Support are considered business essentials to protect your business data, files and hardware.”
WannaCry, Petya and other ransomware takes over a computer system and encrypts the data.
The hackers demand that you send a few hundred dollars using a virtual currency such as Bitcoin before they will decrypt your data.
Mr Billinghurst said: “The problem is that most local businesses are utterly reliant on their data, and when it is taken away from them they are unable to operate. Every small business needs to take preventative action now, to protect themselves against this kind of attack”.
Konnetix recommends a three-step process to protect against ransomware. The three steps are:
1. Make sure all operating systems and applications are always 100% up-to-date: This is because ransomware will often exploit vulnerabilities found in older versions of software
2. Use up-to-date antivirus software
3. Continuously backup business data to the cloud: So, you have an unaffected copy of your data to restore, in the event you are affected
To discuss any concerns, you may have or your business I.T needs please do not hesitate to contact Konnetix on 0800 3 999 365
Notes for editors
• Darren Billinghurst, MD, Konnetix is available for further information and interview, on 01462 417071