Hertfordshire businesses could face public humiliation and huge fines for losing valuable data – if one of their employees does something as simple as lose their mobile phone.
That’s the warning from Darren Billinghurst owner of local IT support company Konnetix.
“It’s all because of a trend called Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD,” explained Darren.
“Most businesses let their staff access company data using their own phone, and sometimes their own iPad or laptop. But the business’s boss remains liable for protecting company data.
And if a device is lost without adequate protection, it can mean your data is open anyone.”
Darren added: “From May this year there are new GDPR data laws coming in. The loss of an employee’s mobile phone with company data would have to be reported to the Information Commissioner.
That loss of data would sit in the public record. People Googling your business might see your data loss before they even get to your website. There are also big potential fines.”
Konnetix has written a free guide on the subject. It explores the six BYOD data security areas to be most concerned about… and what to do to mitigate them.
You can download it for free at https://www.konnetix.com/byod-ebook/