When taking your managed IT services & support from Konnetix we believe there is no excuse for unnecessary or lengthy system downtime, and even less when it comes to data loss. This is why we implemented our 10 steps to data safety process to ensure you have maximum system uptime and 100% data safety when taking our services to protect your business.
1. UPS – Protection against hardware damage and data corruption from power failure, and instabilities in your local power network; a priority when it comes to data & business protection.
2. Firewall implementation – Preventing unauthorized access to your private network from hackers and cybercriminals.
3. On-site or Cloud Server Virtualisation – Allows virtual servers or workstations to be backed-up and restored fast, with minimal downtime compared to traditional physical hardware installations of the past!
4. Shadow copies or VSS – This technology allows us to take a manual or automatic backup, copies or snapshots of computer files or volumes, even when they are in use. (ideal for fast deleted file recovery)
5. Network-attached storage (NAS) or Storage area network (SAN) – Internal backup solutions to enable fast recovery of server VM’s, System data and user workstations when configured.
6. Offsite Cloud backup – Covering total disaster scenario’s: fire, theft, flood and internal espionage.
7. Managed antivirus and malware protection for your system, files and outbound/inbound emails – Ensures your business systems are protected against the latest threats; a must when carrying out online activities on any business network which has your data on it.
8. 24/7 Email protection – Designed for on-premise mail servers and Office365, protecting your data in the event of server or internet failure ensuring your emails are safe, available and accessible 24/7.
9. Proactive system monitoring and management – Managed Servers and Workstations are less prone to system failure through preventative system maintenance. Using the latest automation tools for patch management and remote connectivity, backed up with a dedicated UK support helpdesk to make sure your business runs efficiently at all times.
10. User training – 95% of security breaches are caused by user error so it’s critical to educate your staff on what to look out for when it comes to opening email attachments, clicking on fake web links or awareness of other practices that hackers use to cause havoc to your data and business, such as the use of Ransomware like WannaCry & CryptoLocker.
Speak with the experts at Konnetix today to ensure your I.T. infrastructure and services are secure. Call us on 0800-999-3-365 or email us at hello@konnetix.com and we will be happy to help.
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